
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

There are things we believe about ourselves that don’t reflect who we truly are. Some of these lies are from words people have said to us; some are from situations we have been in; some are from a combination of words and situations. Over time we begin to take these lies and receive them as truth. The enemy uses this to create a barrier between us and God.


The other evening during our team time, my team participated in activity called inner healing. Truthfully, I was not excited about it. I figured there wouldn’t be anything revealed to me, so I would just be sitting there pretending while everyone else was getting something out of the time.


The exercise consisted of a couple of different questions to ask God, but it leads to the question “What lie did I believe?” Once we received the answer to that question, we asked God what He says. Sometimes I feel like I am the one writing out the answer, but I couldn’t stop writing what God was saying to me. It was a constant flow and half the time I didn’t really know what I was writing- that’s how I know this was from God. In it He told me…


“I sent my son to die for you- MY SON. You are worth my WHOLE heart. Your worth is not found in you; it is found in me. Come to me. My love is here for you-all of it. I will never leave you or forsake you. One day you will be with me forever. Until that day, rest in me. Come to me. Look in the mirror and see me. You are a reflection of my love. I am perfect and I will fill your imperfections.”


That’s as far as I got with God’s answer, because we had to end team time then to join our squad worship session. I had a feeling God had more to say, so I was excited/nervous to go into our time of worship. Before it started, I was talking to my SQL, Mack, about something and was going to show her the hole in my shirt. I lifted my arms, and the hole wasn’t there! Neither were the fringes on my sleeves… Two thoughts ran through my mind: 1) What the heck? and 2) “I am perfect and I will fill your imperfections.”  Crazy, right?!


Once worship started I started thinking “Maybe I’m nuts and this shirt never had holes in it.” But you know what? It doesn’t matter. I believed they were there just like the lies. Real or not it was truth to me, and God can take that away. Through Him we are made perfect.


So I encourage you to ask God what lies you are believing and then ask Him to speak/show His truth over you. He is a God of grace, mercy and forgiveness and has an overwhelming amount of love to give you.

4 responses to “The Lies We Believe”

  1. Rachel! This is so crazy and so awesome!! I love love love this!! You got a gift of seeing in the physical a much bigger picture of what happens in the spiritual and emotional realm of healing!! God is so cool and so faithful to show us how real He is!!

  2. What a moment in time! These are the hard evidences of truth that keep your faith steady during hard times. Thank you for sharing with us. I just read this to my children at the dinner table. Your witness goes farther than you know. Praying for you on this journey.